
edible escapades


If you ask me, the best part about being on Spring Break is finally being free from the obligation of waking up at 6AM. Rather, my week was well spent at home, lounging around on the coach for hours. However, mention the possibility of good food and I will happily leave the comforts of my warm bed.

Today's post features some of the restaurants and cafes I visited recently with my fellow foodie, Lauren. Enjoy, and bon appétit!

Wild Honey @ Scott's Square

(From left): Boulevard St Michel, European, Norwegian
The European - Poached eggs, hollandaise sauce, sautéed mushrooms, prosciutto, and homemade Brioche. Mmmmm...

D'Good Cafe

The cutest cafe tucked away on the second story of one Holland Village's shophouses. We didn't try any of their mains, but we did enjoy the most amazing green tea lava cake ever. Don't be fooled by the color, it tastes just as good (if not better) than its classic chocolate cousin. 

Project Açaí 

One of my favorite stops of the day. Ever since hearing the hype about Boto Acai in Korea, I have been waiting, and waiting, and waiting for a similar store to open here. And finally, it has! It feels indulgent, but it's packed full of super-berries and antioxidants. 

The legendary Acai bowl and smoothie

Sunday Folks

To end with a bang, I present to you what are probably the best waffles on the island. Two perfect waffles topped with earl grey lavender ice cream, served with nama green tea, chocolate-y caramel-y bits of heaven and berries. 

By the time this post is up, I would have been sucked back into the cycle of school, but I am glad to have spent my break having down-time with my family, friends, and a good plate err, plates of food. I've had my fair share of lazy days, and hopefully I am now well-rested enough to hit the ground running in the weeks leading up to AP exams. 

NOTE: This post has been long overdue, so I will be taking my mock exams this week!! (Wish me luck)

Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed today's post! As always, leave a comment if you'd like - it's great hearing your thoughts, advice, or even just a little 'hi' :) 

- Justine

More on Teenfolk


  1. Your photos here are amazing! And that acai bowl looks delicious :D Good luck for your exams, I'm sure you'll do well :) ♡

    1. Thank you Lena! It was, I'm definitely looking forward to trying to make my own acai bowl as well :) Thank you a million, so nice reading your comment xxx

  2. Justine, your photos are beautiful! I'm actually very jealous haha, I wish I had some cute restaurants/cafes where I lived. God luck on exams and school!

    1. Hey Nyxie, thanks for the lovely comment :) And I'm sure you do, good food is everywhere! (and blog it when you find one!)

  3. AAAH! Waffles and ice cream! Justine, you're making me crave! I wish I could eat all of those right now.

    And again, your photos have left me in awe. You always take gorgeous shots.

    Gail x

    1. Thank you Gail, for this comment and all the other positive messages! You deserve a million yummy waffles :)

  4. Waaah these looks oh-so delish! Literally drooling while reading your post :( I want my fix now huhu
    Anyway would you like to follow each other? Follow me and leave me a comment on my blog so that i can follow you back <3


    1. Thank you - I can't wait to come back once my exams are done! :)

    2. Thanx for the follow Justine! I followed you back :)

  5. The food in your photos is so instagrammable. HAHA I bet they were delicious. Thanks for dropping by my blog. I will update it more often now. HAHA Good luck on your mock exams. :)


    1. Thank you Sammie! I just took them a few days ago, and I think they went well :) Hope you're doing well xx

  6. omg, everything looks so delicious xxx

    1. It was!! I'm already planning a return to all these places :)

  7. Acai bowl !!! We need one here in bkk!!

    1. I'm so glad we finally have it in Singapore! I've seen some great recipes that you can use at home, but I still prefer being lazy and getting an acai bowl from the store :)

  8. It looks delicious. Hope you enjoyed it !

    Follow me on GFC and/or Instagram (@hekyma). I'll follow you back.
